Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Johnstone River Park development in the news

Click on images for larger view.

Weekend Post, 5th December 2009.

Eacham Times, 1st December 2009.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rare, endangered, vulnerable: what does it all mean?

A quick guide to the relevant state and federal legislation on biodiversity conservation


The Nature Conservation Act 1992 provides for the conservation of Queensland's native plants and animals. It covers protected areas such as national parks, the protection of the state's biodiversity and the contributions of communities in conservation.

The Act categorises native plants and animals according to their conservation status.

Extinct in the wild applies to those wildlife for which 'there have been thorough searches conducted … and the wildlife has not been seen in the wild over a period that is appropriate for the life cycle or form of the wildlife'.


Endangered applies to those wildlife for which 'there have not been thorough searches conducted … and the wildlife has not been seen in the wild over a period that is appropriate for the life cycle or form of the wildlife;

or the habitat or distribution of the wildlife has been reduced to an extent that the wildlife may be in danger of extinction;

or the population size of the wildlife has declined, or is likely to decline, to an extent that the wildlife may be in danger of extinction;

or the survival of the wildlife in the wild is unlikely if a threatening process continues'.


Vulnerable applies to those wildlife for which 'the population size or distribution … has declined, or is likely to decline, to an extent that the wildlife may become endangered because of a threatening process;

or the population size of the wildlife has been seriously depleted and the protection of the wildlife is not secured;

or the population of the wildlife is low or localised; and dependent on habitat that has been, or is likely to be, adversely affected, in terms of quantity or quality, by a threatening process'.


Rare applies to those wildlife for which 'the population of the wildlife is represented by either a relatively large population in a restricted range; or relatively small populations thinly spread over a wide range;

or the survival of the wildlife in the wild is affected to an extent that the wildlife is in danger of becoming vulnerable.'


Near threatened applies to those wildlife for which 'the population size or distribution of the wildlife is small and may become smaller;

or the population size of the wildlife has declined, or is likely to decline, at a rate higher than the usual rate for population changes for the wildlife;

or the survival of the wildlife in the wild is affected to an extent that the wildlife is in danger of becoming vulnerable.'


Least concern applies to those wildlife that 'are common or abundant and is likely to survive in the wild.'


The Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 lists species belonging to each of these categories.



The Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act) covers matters of national environmental importance, including world heritage areas, migratory species and threatened species and ecological communities. It also extends to those actions that might affect areas under Commonwealth control.

The EPBC Act also categorises wildlife according to its conservation status. Some of the categories differ from those of Queensland's Nature Conservation Act.

Species are considered extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last member of the species has died.


A species classified as extinct in the wild is 'known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population well outside its past range;
or has not been recorded in its known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate seasons, anywhere in its past range, despite exhaustive surveys over a time frame appropriate to its life cycle and form.'
This category is similar to that in Queensland's Nature Conservation Act.


Critically endangered species are those that 'are facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.'


Endangered species are those that are 'not critically endangered; and are facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.'


A vulnerable species is 'not critically endangered or endangered; and is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.'


Conservation dependent species are either those species that are 'the focus of a specific conservation program, the cessation of which would result in the species becoming vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered' or are marine fish or invertebrates that are under a management plan.


Lists of animals species in each of the categories are available here. Plant species are listed here.

Species may be listed under one act but not the other or may be listed in both but under different categories.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Commonwealth Government calls for further assessment on the Johnstone River Park site

The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts (DEWHA) has called for further assessment of the Johnstone River Park subdivision before it can make a decision about the proposed development.

Further assessment is required because the development is likely to have a significant impact on vulnerable and endangered species listed under the Commonwealth's Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

A number of vulnerable and endangered species occur in the area around the site. Among these are the Spectacled Flying Fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) and the Red Silky Oak or Queensland Tree Waratah (Alloxylon flammeum). Several migratory birds also use the area, including the Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons) and Cattle Egret (Ardea ibis).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lumholtz's tree kangaroos: a primer

  • Lumholtz's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) is one of two species of tree-climbing kangaroos in Australia
  • It is restricted to rainforests of the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland
  • It is mostly found in upland forests, especially those of the Atherton Tablelands
  • Its main habitat — Mabi rainforest — is endangered
  • Tree kangaroos feed mostly on leaves, but will also eat flowers and fruit.
  • Lumholtz's tree kangaroo is classified as rare under Queensland's Nature Conservation Act 1992
  • Although they are tree-dwellers, they will come to the ground to move between trees or between forest patches
  • Young tree kangaroos may travel across cleared land to establish their own territories
  • When on the ground, tree kangaroos are vulnerable to dog attacks
  • Many tree kangaroos are killed when they cross roads
  • Adult tree kangaroos are so strongly attached to their home territories that they do not move away when their rainforest patches are cleared. This leaves them vulnerable to starvation and dog attack.
  • Lumholtz's tree kangaroo was the official mascot of the former Eacham Shire

Find out more about this wonderful animal at the Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group website.

Monday, September 28, 2009

One more ESSENTIAL habitat bites the dust

We are privileged to live in an area with many of Australia's furry wonders. One very special on is the Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo. Yes, a kangaroo that lives in trees. Many local residents of the Atherton Tablelands, where this precious species occurs, have never sighted this amazing creature, and many have never even heard of them.

Most of the Mabi Rainforest, its original habitat, has been cleared. Tragically, the remaining fragments of this forest are still under threat.

We are trying to protect one patch of extremely important remnant rainforest from a large housing development that will slowly destroy them and their habitat. This remnant and its connecting corridors and fragment forests have a high Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo population due to the diversity of fauna species it contains. If we do not act now we are going to lose this wonderful species and many others along with it.

In November 2006, rural-residential land owners bordering a rural 125 hectare (310 acre) paddock were notified of a 12 Lot potential subdivision, planned as 5 large blocks (17-35 hectares each), 3 x three hectare blocks, and 3 x one hectare blocks. The plan seemed a fairly reasonable outcome, and no neighbours objected. The majority of the rural paddock had been cleared decades ago for grazing, although patches of remnant rainforest were left, and 65 whole acres were fenced off from cattle, so remains almost untouched.

At that time, it was relatively simple to subdivide Rural land on the Atherton Tablelands. The former Eacham Shire is renowned for its large percentage of rural-residential properties, and is a major destination for lifestyle block owners.

However, without warning, suddenly, in one day, over 5 acres of remnant forest was cleared to lay a bitumen road. Truck after truck delivered rocks and soil to fill a clear running spring and its water course. Soon after, overhead power lines and street lighting were installed.
Not until then did neighbours discover that the 12 Lot plan had been amended with an application already lodged to subdivide the entire acreage into approximately 210 smaller lots!! There was, and has been, NO public consultation regarding this massive development, and neighbours were never notified of changes to the original plans.

When Land for Wildlife neighbours made inquiries, they were told by local council staff that an application had been lodged in the 1970’s for small residential lots and a golf course on that rural land parcel, so nothing could be done to prevent it. The developer funded a large portion of the council water supply upgrade, and EPA demanded that 27 hectares of previously fenced remnant forest be given as Nature Refuge. Neighbours were also told that if the council did try to prevent the development, the property owner/developer could possibly sue the council for potential losses. They did - and still do not - consider Environmental impact as a cost.

More amended applications have been lodged, with lot number increases and reduced lot sizes, including applications to subdivide the Nature Refuge forest portion – the latest being to give half to council for parklands for public walkways and access, and sell the remainder as residential land. The entire plan is also a huge contradiction to the new 2031 FNQ Regional Plan that came into force in May 2009, and which clearly states that rural land cannot be subdivided, that endemic species must be protected at all costs, and that landscape and natural water courses feeding into the Great Barrier Reef must be protected and revegetated.

The impact of this type of subdivision can easily be seen in the neighbouring patch of forest, sadly subdivided in the late 1980s, though only fully developed in the last decade. With no covenants in place, cats, dogs and vehicles have accounted for large numbers of fauna deaths in that time, which still continue, despite most current residents being aware of the area's uniqueness, and despite many being Land for Wildlife members.

Running along the North Johnstone River, this unique area contains an extremely diverse and valuable remnant rainforest reserve. It is home to the rare Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroos, Green Ringtail Possums, the threatened Spotted Quoll, Green-eyed Tree Frogs, and many other endemic flora and fauna species. It was originally cassowary habitat, but without enough corridors, they could no longer travel through the area safely. If this level of development is allowed to occur the Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo will suffer the same fate as the Southern Cassowary. The bottom line is that if this development is allowed to continue, it WILL destroy the last remaining Johnstone River remnant rainforest and its inhabitants.

The only way to prevent this from going ahead is to lobby the Tableland Regional Councillors, who get to vote on issues like this without having access to all of the facts and without fully realising the long-term impacts. Foresight is what we need here — not hindsight. Talk of Global Warming at world summits amounts to little when we continue to carry out destructive practices on the precious remnants of our forests. When are our local councils going to be held accountable for allowing unethical and irresponsible developments in fragile environments?

Too many times these “small” issues go unnoticed by the greater public to the detriment of our precious environment. Time is running out to save this essential habitat.

Please email or write to Tablelands Regional Council: PO Box 3, Malanda QLD, 4885


Edited 30/09/09